A Dentist Serving Tuscan Village in Salem, NH
Love it or hate it, it looks like Tuscan Village is finally going to break ground. It’s exciting to think of all the new patients Artisan Dentistry will be able to help once residential units and office space are built but as with any change there is apprehension.
As we mentioned in a previous post, the area that Tuscan Village is covering has historic significance for Salem, as it was once the sight of a major horse racing track. While the animal activist in us is glad that horse racing is no longer in Salem. Most our dental patients seem to have no serious opposition to the project. In fact, many see this as a good use of the land. Especially with the widening of the I-93, Salem is ready for the influx of new people and business.
We’re no prophets, we’re just a dental practice, so we don’t know how this project will turn out, but in the meantime we’re cautiously optimistic.