What’s Still Open in Haverhill During the COVID-19 Outbreak?
As a dental practice serving Haverhill and surrounding towns, we’re always looking out for people’s health and safety. We’re very proud of Haverhill’s and Massachusetts’ reaction to the pandemic, which prioritizes the health and safety of residents.
Our hearts go out to all the small business owners, such as ourselves, who have been impacted by COVID-19, but we accept and understand why the closures or restrictions are important. But despite the virus, life still goes on. Here are services that are still available in Haverhill:
Library – While the library itself is closed, the library is offering a wide array of virtual events you can participate in. And don’t worry about late fees, they’ve been suspended for the time being. No need to risk your health to return a library book.
School – While the schools are closed for classes, they are still offering free meals to children, even those not enrolled in school. Go to the school website for a full list of locations where meals are available.
Dental offices – If you need to see a dentist during the COVID-19 outbreak don’t hesitate to reach out. Many dentists are still offering treatment to patients that require emergency services. Be sure to talk to a dentist first regarding any dental emergency, instead of going to a crowded emergency room.
Restaurants – Keep in mind that many restaurants are still offering take-out and delivery. In these times they rely on your support more than ever as many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat.
From all of us at Artisan Dentistry, stay safe.