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Artisan Dentistry's Blog

What is Enamel and How Does it Work?

Dec 4th, 2018

If you’ve ever been to the dentist, then you’ve heard them talk about enamel. Dentists spend a lot of time talking to their patients about enamel, plaque, and tooth decay. We believe that to really understand how to keep your teeth healthy, you have to know what enamel is and how best to take care of it.

What is enamel?

Enamel is a protective layer that covers each and every tooth. It is a hard substance on the outer part of your teeth and is seen every time you look into your mouth. Enamel is considered the hardest substance in the human body, even harder than bones. However, it can decay when exposed to acid and a build-up of bacteria in the mouth.

What does enamel do?

Enamel is there to protect teeth from decay and damage. Every time you eat and drink, you expose your teeth to acids and bacteria from your food. This would seriously harm teeth if it weren’t for enamel. In addition to acting as a protective barrier against acid and bacteria, your enamel also shields your teeth from hot or cold foods. When enamel is damaged or starts to decay, sensitivity to hot and cold foods can occur.

If you feel pain when eating or experience sensitivity to hot or cold, visit your dentist to find out what you can do to repair your enamel.

What damages enamel?

While many foods that can damage enamel, sugary foods and foods with a high citrus content are the worst offenders. Drinks high in sugar, such as soda, are the number one culprit. Soda is both high in sugar and very acidic, a combination that wears away enamel. Candy is also a serious offender. The high sugar levels in candy increase the risk for decay, so it’s best to avoid it whenever possible.

Fruit juice and citrus fruits can also harm enamel. The difference, however, is that citrus fruits have health benefits. Don’t cut fruits from your diet just because you are afraid to harm your enamel. Instead, try eating them in moderation and alongside foods that are neutral so that you are not giving your teeth a double dose of acidity.

How do I know if the enamel is damaged?

It may take some time for you to notice any loss of your enamel because the changes are very subtle. First, you will feel pain or sensitivity when eating certain foods. As the erosion progresses, you will notice a yellow discoloration on your teeth. This yellow color signals an exposure of dentin. Your teeth may also appear more rounded, chipped, or rough.

If you have severe erosion, your dentist may recommend that the tooth be removed. Taking good care of your teeth through brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits is the best way to protect your enamel and prevent decay, so that more serious measures won’t need to be taken in the future.


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Here at Paul Mathew, D.D.S. we work diligently to protect our patients' privacy. Requesting an appointment via our Internet portal is considered part of what the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has identified as electronically protected healthcare information or ePHI. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, there are people or entities that may attempt to intercept the data you transmit to us. By checking the "I agree" box, and electronically making an appointment request, you acknowledge that you are making an appointment over the internet and that Paul Mathew, D.D.S. will keep this information confidential but cannot guarantee that others, outside of our practice, may illegally intercept this communication. By accepting these terms and conditions and sending this request via our Internet portal, you accept the inherent risk(s) associated with making this request for an appointment. If you do not accept the terms and conditions, you are always welcome to contact our office via telephone to schedule your appointment.


The information presented here is not intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should be used for informational purposes only.