Try On A Crown?
Crowns, fillings, caps, veneers—your dentist is always using terms for different ways to give you your perfect smile… but what do they all mean? In this blog, we’ll be focusing on crowns—what they are, what they’re made of, and most importantly, how they could benefit you! You’ll be “crowned” an expert in no time.
What are crowns?
Dental crowns, also known as “caps”, are just that—caps! They fit directly over an existing tooth to restore its size and shape, and improve the appearance of your smile as a whole.
Are there different kinds?
Yes! Crowns are traditionally made out of metal, porcelain, or some combination of the two. The most popular choice tends to be all-porcelain crowns because of their durability and how well they match the surrounding natural teeth. For out-of-sight molars and back teeth, metal is also a good (and slightly more cost-effective) option.
Why do I need a crown?
Crowns are commonly used to fix teeth that are significantly fractured or damaged, or in place of a filling if the area that needs to be filled is particularly large. Alternatively, a crown can be used purely for aesthetic reasons to help teeth look more uniform.
If you would like more information on crowns, feel free to contact us today to set up a consultation!