Salt Water Taffy & Your Teeth
Salt water taffy is a beloved snack amongst Newburyport residents and visitors. But like they say, you can’t have too much of a good thing. As you enjoy the occasional sweet treat, there are some things you should know about taffy before you reach for another piece.
First, salt water taffy is notoriously sticky, oftentimes still clinging onto your teeth hours after you eat it and feeding oral bacteria. So sticky, in fact, that it Is even possible to pull out restorations like dental crowns or fillings. Speaking of teeth pulling you probably should stay away from salt water taffy if you wear braces. Sticky candies in general can easily break or pull brackets.
Furthermore, a seven-piece serving of taffy contains 23 grams of sugar. Considering that the daily recommendation for sugar consumption for adult men is 36 grams and for women is 25 grams (according to the American Heart Association), you may want to choose a healthier alternative to fill this quota.
Although a fun and tasty treat, as with everything else, moderation is the key to keeping a happy and healthy smile.