Newburyport is Aging Fast – Here’s What it Means for Dental Health
The percentage of people that are fifty five or older is much higher in Newburyport than the state average and the rate of growth of that segment is almost 6 times the state average. People at this age have dental needs that they wouldn’t have had at a younger age. With aging comes tooth loss, drier mouthes (which can lead to cavities), and bone loss in the jaw. The data tracks the growth of this group from 2014-2016 and shows that 36.5% of Newburyport’s population were in that age range in 2016, up 5.7% from 2014. Meanwhile, in the rest of Massachusetts, people fifty five and up accounted for 24.5% of the population and grew only 0.7%.
A lot of speculation can be done as to why this shift is happening, but more importantly dentists in Newburyport or nearby towns need to focus on the clinical implications as their patient base quickly becomes proportionally older. Dr. Mathew is already uniquely positioned to help many older dental patients with their dental needs. His training with dental implants can help many patients replace missing teeth. Dr. Mathew also found that many older patients have had bad experiences with dentists when they were growing up and has decided to offer sedation dentistry to help patients who are afraid of going to the dentist.
If you’re experiencing any dental issues related to aging, don’t hesitate to talk to Dr. Mathew and he’ll be glad to help!