How a Good Dental Routine Can Protect You from COVID-19
We all know that washing our hands and keeping a safe distance from others is of utmost importance to stay healthy during this time. But did you know that a regular dental care regime can also protect you from COVID-related complications?
A recent study from California Dental Associate Journal found that oral hygiene interventions and dental treatment can possibly decrease one’s oral bacterial burden and the systemic inflammatory response, and as a result, could decrease the risk of COVID-related respiratory symptoms.
The buildup of oral bacteria can impact lung function, making the risk of pneumonia, chronic inflammatory lung disease, and COVID greater. According to the journal, by urging patients to brush their teeth twice per day for at least two minutes using a fluoridated toothpaste along with interproximal cleaning, dentists can play a huge role in keeping the public safe and healthy.
Not only would keeping to a dental care routine improve patients’ overall health, but it could have a significant positive impact on our healthcare system during the pandemic, decreasing the need for intensive care and mechanical ventilation of patients.
If you want to know what extra measures you can take to keep your mouth healthy during this time, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for their advice.
From all of us at Artisan Dentistry, stay safe.